Cloud Native News 29
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Jun 30, 2020Welcome to Cloud Native News, your home for essential updates on Kubernetes trends, the latest stories in the world of Platform Engineering, as well as breaking news from the Cloud Native industry.
Latest interesting projects / tools / posts
Netlify, a modern and automated web platform
Priyanka Sharma joins CNCF as General Manager
Helm is not enough, you also need Kustomize
Jenkins X working with Helmfiles
Open Policy Agent with Kubernetes
Tigera Operator, a Kubernetes operator for installing Calico and Calico Enterprise
Interactive map of the Linux kernel
Immaturity is no excuse: How to effectively measure your DevOps
Beda, Burns & McLuckie: the Creators of Kubernetes look back
Kubernetes clusters hit by Kubeflow crypto-mining attack
Life-saving coronavirus drug ‘major breakthrough’
Deploy any resource with the new Kubernetes provider for HashiCorp Terraform
Microsoft snubs Service Fabric as it plots to switch Teams infrastructure to Kubernetes
Weaveworks Flagger, a progressive delivery Kubernetes operator
Guru, Knowledge Management Software
Jenkins X replaces Prow with Lighthouse for better source control compatibility
Manage your Kubernetes cluster with Lens
A tool for automatically generating markdown documentation for Helm charts
Introducing the CNCF Technology Radar
Check back soon for another installment of our Cloud Native Newsletter!
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