The LiveWyer Labs Blog

At LiveWyer Labs we innovate through research and development, empowering our company to optimize operations and deliver greater value to our clients. We experiment and collaborate to stay ahead of the curve and achieve our business objectives and yours.

Here are some things we've been working on. If you have any questions about any of them, feel free to comment, or get in touch with us to find out more about how we can implement these technologies on your platform.

Service Meshes Decoded Part Two: Is Istio Ambient worth it? A series of Services are connected by a tangle of intersecting arrows

Oleksandr | 06 June 2024

Discover the fastest Cloud Native service mesh as we run a series of detailed comparison tests

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Service Meshes Decoded: a performance comparison of Istio vs Linkerd vs Cilium A series of Services are connected by a tangle of intersecting arrows

Oleksandr | 08 May 2024

Discover the fastest Cloud Native service mesh as we run a series of detailed comparison tests

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Mastering Kubernetes logging with Fluent Operator A flock of birds carry newspapers labelled 'logs' towards a circle with 'Fluent Operator' and the Kubernetes logo

Anton | 07 March 2024

A Deep Dive into the Powerful Logging Tool

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Kubernetes: A Year in Review 2023 A typographic lockup of the Kubernetes logo and text 'KUBERNETES: A Year in Review'

LiveWyer | 18 December 2023

A look back at the last year of Kubernetes and the wider Cloud Native community

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Virtink: simplifying virtual environments in Kubernetes A man wearing a VR headset that projects the word 'Virtink' in front of him

Lorenzo | 25 July 2023

Demonstrating Virtink deployment on a K8s cluster, for VMs alongside containerized apps

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Introducing LiveWyer Labs... A laptop, some laboratory equipment, and the text 'Welcome to LiveWyer Labs'

Aneesa | 12 May 2023

Leading innovation in the Cloud Native space with our dedicated research and development team

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