ReadMe: prepare for winter with the latest Cloud Native news

LiveWyer | 02 December 2024

At LiveWyer we have a Slack channel for work-relevant links from the community, as well as interesting stories from the tech world.

Interesting Projects / Tools / Posts

VMWare Workstation shifting from proprietary code to using upstream KVM

10 best practices for platform engineering

Platform as a product: the key to platform engineering success

Red Hat to contribute comprehensive container tools collection to Cloud Native Computing Foundation

9 types of API Testing

AWS S3 Express One Zone now supports the ability to append data to an object

Introducing kro: Kube Resource Orchestrator

Cedar access controls for Kubernetes

Kubernetes used to bounce their evilness right back at ‘em

Transforming IT towards self-service

Use your on-premises infrastructure in Amazon EKS clusters with Amazon EKS Hybrid nodes

The talks from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Salt Lake City 2024 are now online!

Check back soon for another installment of interesting tools/projects.

Thank you for reading

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