LiveWyer | 01 June 2022
At LiveWyer we have a Slack channel for work-relevant links from the community, as well as interesting stories from the tech world. Here are a few of our most recent.
Get your early bird tickets to KubeCon NA 2022 now!
Dagger, a portable devkit for CI/CD pipelines
Login MFA support added to Vault Open Source and HCP Vault
Atlassian blames script maintenance for week-long cloud outage
The Scoop: inside the longest Atlassian outage of all time
Cluster Turndown - automated turndown of Kubernetes clusters on specific schedules
Kyverno - Kubernetes Native Policy Management
Kubernetes: Is your cluster ready for v1.24?
Six secret easter eggs in GitHub
A list of new(ish) command line tools
How to secure deployments in Kubernetes?
Installing Ubuntu over 17000 KM distance using MAAS, VxLAN and Tailscale
After years of debate, Google Cloud is ready to submit Istio to the CNCF
Being friendly: friendly forks 101
Cloudcraft - visualise your cloud architecture like a pro
Parca - Continuous profiling for analysis of CPU and memory usage, down to the line number and throughout time.
kubectl-modify-secrets allows the user to directly modify the secret without worrying about base64 encoding/decoding
kubectl-secretdata: a kubectl plugin for viewing decoded Secret data with search flags
Koordinator - a QoS based scheduling system for hybrid orchestration workloads on Kubernetes, bringing workloads the best layout and status
Testkube: a cloud native testing framework for Kubernetes
Kubernetes signals massive adoption of Sigstore for protecting open source ecosystem
K8GB: a cloud native Kubernetes global balancer
NVIDIA releases open source GPU kernel modules
SLSA - safeguarding artifact integrity across any software supply chain
Kubernetes 1.24: volume expansion now a stable feature, storage capacity tracking reaches GA and volume populators graduate to beta
Kubernetes 1.24 Major Themes
Infrahq: single sign-on for infrastructure
KubeOrbit - test your application on Kubernetes in a brand new simple way
Multy - easily deploy multi cloud infrastructure
Broadcom to buy VMWare in $61 billion bet on unsexy software
Check back soon for another fix of interesting projects and posts.
Do you need help with a Cloud Native or Kubernetes implementation? Get in touch and let's work together.
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