| 27 August 2019
At LiveWyer we have a Slack channel for work-relevant links from the community - here’s a few of our most recent.
Seashells lets you pipe output from command line programs to the web in real time - https://seashells.io/
Lightweight Kubernetes controllers as a service - https://metacontroller.app
Facial recognition cameras deployed at London King’s Cross - https://www.ft.com/content/8cbcb3ae-babd-11e9-8a88-aa6628ac896c
The Nightmare of Valve’s self-organising “utopia” - https://medium.com/dunia-media/the-nightmare-of-valves-self-organizing-utopia-6d32d329ecdb
Google: also not as fun to work for as it sounds - https://www.wired.com/story/inside-google-three-years-misery-happiest-company-tech/
Kubernetes Web UIs in 2019 - https://srcco.de/posts/kubernetes-web-uis-in-2019.html
CNCF’s own Dan Kohn was the first person ever to use the internet to sell something - https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bjwxzd/the-first-thing-sold-online-was-a-sting-cd?utm_source=vicetwitterus
Usually not a fan of “backronyms”, but credit where it’s due to the namers of Key Negotiation Of Bluetooth Attack - https://knobattack.com/
A Google Cloud cheat sheet - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregsramblings/google-cloud-4-words/master/Poster-hires.png
This week in “I’ll believe it when I see it”, corporate leaders pledge to scrap “shareholder-first” ideology - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-49400885
Announcing the HashiCorp Vault Helm Chart - https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/announcing-the-vault-helm-chart
K8up is a backup operator that will handle PVC and app backups on a k8s/OpenShift cluster - https://docs.k8up.io/k8up/2.11/index.html
Easy and flexible alerting with ElasticSearch - https://github.com/Yelp/elastalert
A Helm chart for my-bloody-jenkins - a self-configured jenkins docker image, based on Jenkins LTS - https://hub.kubeapps.com/charts/odavid/my-bloody-jenkins
VMware buys Pivotal in $2.7bn deal - https://www.vmware.com/company/news/releases/vmw-newsfeed.VMware-Signs-Definitive-Agreement-to-Acquire-Pivotal-Software.1905769.html
Check back soon for another fix of interesting projects and posts.
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