Cloud Native News 86

Published on:

Apr 12, 2023

Welcome to Cloud Native News, your home for essential updates on Kubernetes trends, the latest stories in the world of Platform Engineering, as well as breaking news from the Cloud Native industry.

Latest interesting projects / tools / posts

GitHub updated their RSA SSH host key

Some tracing tools: Jaeger Tracing, Zipkin, OpenTelemetry

Docker are no longer sunsetting the free team place

Docker and Ambassador Labs announce Telepresence for Docker

Using Siri to create a Kubernetes cluster

Virgin Media down in UK: broadband customers threaten to quit in anger at outages

DevOps-inspired party games

Google Cloud Networking and Security Courses

Fun with Linux for Cloud & DevOps engineers

Packet, where are you? is an eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger

Scaling Kubernetes to 7500 Nodes

Import YAML/JSON-formatted configuration files into Keycloak – Configuration as Code for Keycloak

Check back soon for another installment of our Cloud Native Newsletter!

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