Cloud Native News 68

Published on:

Jan 28, 2022

Welcome to Cloud Native News, your home for essential updates on Kubernetes trends, the latest stories in the world of Platform Engineering, as well as breaking news from the Cloud Native industry.

Latest interesting projects / tools / posts

Kubernetes is moving on from Dockershim

Alpha in Kubernetes 1.22: API Server Tracing

Rancher Desktop 1.0.0 has arrived

Securing Admission Controllers

Detect crashes in your Kubernetes cluster using kwatch and Slack

Kong’s favourite DevOps tools for 2022

GitOps model for provisioning and bootstrapping Amazon EKS clusters using Crossplane and Flux

Unveil the secret ingredients of continuous delivery at enterprise scale with Argo CD

10 real world stories of how we’ve compromised CI/CD pipelines

Tracing the path of network traffic in Kubernetes

OpenGitOps is a set of open-source standards, best practices, and community-focused education to help organizations adopt a structured, standardized approach to implementing GitOps

How I got pwned by my cloud costs

Protect Kubernetes workloads from Apache log4j vulnerabilities

Kubernetes: The Documentary (Part 1)

Check back soon for another installment of our Cloud Native Newsletter!

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