Cloud Native News 55

Published on:

Jul 2, 2021

Welcome to Cloud Native News, your home for essential updates on Kubernetes trends, the latest stories in the world of Platform Engineering, as well as breaking news from the Cloud Native industry.

Latest interesting projects / tools / posts

Early bird pricing for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021 runs until July 4th so REGISTER NOW!

Linux Kernel 5.13 released: this is what’s new

Weaveworks launches Weave GitOps, an open source product that delivers easy GitOps for application development

Kubernetes a black hole of unpredictable spend, according to new report

The 10 hottest Kubernetes startups of 2021 (so far)

81% of firms have accelerated their cloud computing plans due to COVID-19

20 interesting facts from Canonical’s Kubernetes & Cloud Native survey

Best practices for Kubernetes Incident Response

Russia using Kubernetes cluster for brute-force attacks

The rise of the Kubemaster

Kubernetes: 5 tips we wish we knew sooner

25 Kubernetes experts you should follow on Twitter

The Kubernetes Book, available in Borg and Klingon editions

Check back soon for another installment of our Cloud Native Newsletter!

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