Cloud Native News 33

Published on:

Oct 19, 2020

Welcome to Cloud Native News, your home for essential updates on Kubernetes trends, the latest stories in the world of Platform Engineering, as well as breaking news from the Cloud Native industry.

Latest interesting projects / tools / posts

A maturity assessment for Jenkins X 3.x features on different cloud providers

SeaweedFS - a distributed object store and file system to store and serve billions of files fast

A big list of Kubernetes application management tools

Hashicorp Boundary - secure remote access to any system anywhere based on trusted identity

Cloudflare One - a comprehensive, cloud-based network-as-a-service solution

Hashicorp Waypoint - a modern workflow to build, deploy and release across platforms. (We’re particularly excited about hooks!)

keptn, an event-based control plane for continuous delivery and automated operations for cloud-native applications

Martin Heinz argues that it’s time to say goodbye to Docker

Sanjeet Chatterjee tells a story about Python, Selenium and Garlic Pizza Sticks

A webinar from DigitalOcean that explains how you can be a Kubernetes contributor too!

This week’s track and trace fail

Check back soon for another installment of our Cloud Native Newsletter!

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