ReadMe - KubeCon news, CNCF Sandbox and lots of interesting projects

LiveWyer | 27 August 2021

At LiveWyer we have a Slack channel for work-relevant links from the community, as well as interesting stories from the tech world. Here are a few of our most recent.

Industry Updates

KEDA moves from the CNCF Sandbox to become an incubating project

New in Kubernetes 1.22: alpha support for using swap memory

Happy Birthday Linux!

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2021 schedule is online

Interesting Projects / Tools / Posts

A cybersecurity mindset may involve being the guy with the most negative attitude

Glow: render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!

Easegress, A cloud traffic orchestration system

LitmusChaos 2.0 expands resilience testing on Kubernetes

Kubecost: monitor and reduce your Kubernetes spend

OCTOpod Episode 4 – The value of mentoring in Open Source

Fedora exploring their bugs

The top 5 data trends driving competitive advantage today and tomorrow

Chaos Engineering with AWS Fault Injection Simulator

KubeView – Kubernetes cluster visualiser and graphic explorer

Misc Tech News

A decade and a half of instability: The history of Google messaging apps

Check back soon for another fix of interesting projects and posts.

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