ReadMe - New CNCF white paper and some interesting writing on GitOps

LiveWyer | 04 June 2021

At LiveWyer we have a Slack channel for work-relevant links from the community - here’s a few of our most recent.

Industry Updates

Linux 5.13 Reverts + Fixes the problematic University of Minnesota patches

Register for cdCon

CNCF Operator White Paper

Linux Foundation Kubernetes Certifications now include exam simulator

Tigera’s open source Calico selected to address Kubernetes network policy in RKE 2 clusters

Interesting Projects / Tools / Posts

10 Kubernetes Security Context settings you should understand

Please fix the AWS free tier before someone gets hurt

A simple Terraform script for capping monthly AWS spend

GitOps is a placebo

And in response, GitOps demystified

Check back soon for another fix of interesting projects and posts.

Thank you for reading

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