The LiveWyer Labs Blog

At LiveWyer Labs we innovate through research and development, empowering our company to optimize operations and deliver greater value to our clients. We experiment and collaborate to stay ahead of the curve and achieve our business objectives and yours.

Here are some things we've been working on. If you have any questions about any of them, feel free to comment, or get in touch with us to find out more about how we can implement these technologies on your platform.

Google Kubernetes: Introduction and First Impressions The Borg cube emitting a beam that attracts the Docker whale and a spaceship

Jake Sanders | 07 May 2015

When you're running web apps at massive scale, you need some kind of orchestration and management tool, or rapid deployments are basically impossible

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Deploying Docker Containers using Apache Aurora The Docker whale swimming at night with the Apache Aurora logo made up of stars

Jake Sanders | 13 April 2015

Recently, the Apache Aurora Mesos framework added preliminary support for Docker containers in their 0.7.0 release, so we had to try it out

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Building Docker containers from within a Docker container A spiral of containers with the text 'Dockerception'

Jake Sanders | 23 March 2015

The first question running through your head is probably "Why would anyone want to do this?" However running Docker within a container is actually quite a common use case...

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Distributed Storage using GlusterFS A pair of hard drives with the GlusterFS mascot in between them

Jake Sanders | 02 March 2015

A common issue with cloud applications is the requirement for persistent storage

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Slimming down your Docker containers with Alpine Linux A container labelled 'Debian Nginx' is squashed in a trash compacter resulting in a smaller container labelled 'Nginx'

Jake Sanders | 24 February 2015

If a container is designed to run a single process, why aren't containers the size of the package or binary download for the app they contain?

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Running Apache Mesos inside Docker on CoreOS The CoreOS and Mesos logos next to each other

Jake Sanders | 16 February 2015

If you've heard of docker containers, you've probably also heard of CoreOS

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