The LiveWyer Labs Blog

At LiveWyer Labs we innovate through research and development, empowering our company to optimize operations and deliver greater value to our clients. We experiment and collaborate to stay ahead of the curve and achieve our business objectives and yours.

Here are some things we've been working on. If you have any questions about any of them, feel free to comment, or get in touch with us to find out more about how we can implement these technologies on your platform.

KubeCon Europe 2021: Our Personal Highlights A speaker giving a presentation with KubeCon branding and the title 'Our Personal Highlights: Part One'

Kenny | 13 May 2021

Sharing our favourite talks so far from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2021

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KubeCon Europe 2021: Hot Topics to Look Out For An illustration of a Zoom call where the main screen is showing a Keynote speech at KubeCon

Louise | 30 April 2021

A look ahead to what's in vogue at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021

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Telepresence 2.0 Showcase: Open Source Development Workflows A waterskier wearing a VR headset is being pulled along by a container ship with the Kubernetes logo

Louise | 26 April 2021

Demonstrating how to integrate Telepresence into team-based local development workflows

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LitmusChaos Showcase: Chaos Experiments in a Helm Chart Test Suite A chemistry set with the Kubernetes and Helm logos and a warning 'May contain chaos'

Kenny | 22 March 2021

Demonstrating how to package LitmusChaos experiments into a Helm chart test suite

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KubeVirt Showcase: A Kubernetes Cluster within a Kubernetes Cluster A spiral of Kubernetes logos with the Virtink logo in the centre and text 'Kubeception'

Kenny | 23 February 2021

Demonstrating how to use KubeVirt to create a Kubernetes cluster within a Kubernetes cluster

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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2020: Charting New Developments A big Zoom call with various speakers and logos representing the big players in the Cloud Native world

Louise | 08 November 2020

A quick look at the trajectory and focus of current and future Kubernetes development

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