Lorenzo | 25 July 2023
Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we deploy and manage containerized applications. With its robust orchestration capabilities, it has become the go-to platform for scaling and automating containerized workloads.
However, there are scenarios where running virtual machines is preferred or necessary. This is where Virtink, a Kubernetes add-on for virtualization, comes into play. Virtink allows the use of Virtual Machines alongside containerized applications within a Kubernetes cluster.
In this blog post we will dive into Virtink, understanding its purposes, key features, and how it enables seamless integration of Virtual Machines within Kubernetes clusters. By the end of this tutorial you should have a deeper understanding of Virtink and a Cluster API Kubernetes cluster running it.
To find out more about Virtink, check out SmartX’s blog post which goes into more depth in terms of background, aims, etc.
Hybrid Workloads: Virtink enables running hybrid workloads consisting of both containers and virtual machines. This flexibility is particularly useful when transitioning legacy applications or accommodating specific software requirements that are better suited for virtual machines.
Infrastructure Consolidation: By running both containers and VMs on the same Kubernetes cluster, Virtink helps consolidate infrastructure, reducing hardware and management overhead. This simplifies the overall architecture and streamlines operations.
Unified Management: With Virtink, you can manage both containers and VMs using a single platform, eliminating the need for separate infrastructure management tools. This simplifies monitoring, logging, scaling, and other administrative tasks.
To demonstrate deploying Virtink and using Virtual Machines within a Kubernetes cluster, we will be deploying an external Virtink workload cluster using the Cluster API utility.
A Kubernetes cluster v1.16 ~ v1.25 with KVM functiomility with cluster api initialised
Kubernetes apiserver must have --allow-privileged=true
in order to run Virtink’s privileged DaemonSet. It’s usually set by default.
cert-manager v1.0 ~ v1.8 installed in Kubernetes cluster. You can install it with kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.8.2/cert-manager.yaml
Use the following manifest to create a service account with the required permissions to create, destroy, etc on Virtual Machines deployed, this is considered a best practice and so should not be skipped:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
name: virtink-infra-cluster
- apiGroups:
- virt.virtink.smartx.com
- virtualmachines
- create
- delete
- get
- apiGroups:
- ""
- services
- create
- delete
- get
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: virtink-infra-cluster
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: virtink-infra-cluster
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: virtink-infra-cluster
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: virtink-infra-cluster
namespace: default
The next few commands will create a kubeconfig that can be used for API access control to the Virtink workload cluster:
kubectl config --kubeconfig virtink-infra-cluster.kubeconfig unset users.kubernetes-admin.client-certificate
kubectl config --kubeconfig virtink-infra-cluster.kubeconfig unset users.kubernetes-admin.client-key
SA_SECRET="$(kubectl get sa virtink-infra-cluster -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')"
SA_TOKEN="$(kubectl get secret "${SA_SECRET}" -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d)"
kubectl config --kubeconfig virtink-infra-cluster.kubeconfig set-credentials kubernetes-admin --token="${SA_TOKEN}"
To create a virtink workload cluster, we must first export the control plane service that we are going to use:
export VIRTINK_INFRA_CLUSTER_SECRET_NAME=virtink-infra-cluster
Then we can focus on applying the manifest that will actuallly generate the cluster, the manifest will first need to be generated with clusterctl
and then edited as such:
To generate the manifest: clusterctl generate cluster --infrastructure virtink:v0.7.0 capi-quickstart > capi-virtink.yaml
. Note, v0.7.0
should replaced with the current version of the virtink cluster api proivder.
As a note, make sure to add in an annotations in the output manifest. For example it could look like this:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtinkCluster
name: capi-quickstart
namespace: default
namespace: default
<where to insert annotations>
type: LoadBalancer
name: virtink-infra-cluster
namespace: default
For our specific case, we are going to enter in these annotations that are required by hetzner cloud, which is what we use:
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: VirtinkCluster
name: capi-quickstart
namespace: default
namespace: default
load-balancer.hetzner.cloud/location: fsn1
load-balancer.hetzner.cloud/use-private-ip: "false"
load-balancer.hetzner.cloud/ipv6-disabled: "true"
load-balancer.hetzner.cloud/disable-private-ingress: "true"
type: LoadBalancer
name: virtink-infra-cluster
namespace: default
However, it may differ depending on what cloud provider with KVM capabilities that you are using.
Under this metadata field, there is also a field called type
that is normally set to nodeport
, we want to change this value to LoadBalancer
There is also one other field that needs to be changed, and it is located towards the top of the YAML file in the kind: cluster
section. We need to change the CIDR blocks under the spec from whatever value it is currently set as to
. As an example:
The manifest can then be saved with the changes, and applied to the cluster using:
kubectl apply -f capi-virtink.yaml
To access the cluster, we need to gather the kubeconfig so that we can use it to gain access and use virtink.
The command for getting the kubeconfig is below:
clusterctl get kubeconfig capi-quickstart > kubeconfig.yaml
After the workload cluster is confirmed as being up and online, we will need to provide the virtink YAML to create the needed CRD’s, etc that we will need for creating the Virtual Machine.
Apply the virtink YAML with this command:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/smartxworks/virtink/releases/download/v0.13.0/virtink.yaml
If you can verify that the namespaces have been created, you can move on to trying to deploy a Virtual Machine using the below code:
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: virt.virtink.smartx.com/v1alpha1
kind: VirtualMachine
name: ubuntu-container-rootfs
size: 1Gi
image: smartxworks/virtink-kernel-5.15.12
cmdline: "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/vda rw"
- name: ubuntu
- name: cloud-init
- name: pod
- name: ubuntu
image: smartxworks/virtink-container-rootfs-ubuntu
size: 4Gi
- name: cloud-init
userData: |-
password: password
chpasswd: { expire: False }
ssh_pwauth: True
- name: pod
pod: {}
It may take some time for this Virtual Appliance to come online, because like any pod it has to go out and fetch the image that it is deploying, you can watch the state of the Virtual Machine by using the following command: kubectl wait vm ubuntu-container-rootfs --for jsonpath='{.status.phase}'=Running --timeout -1s
Use the below commands to access your newly created Virtual Appliance via the remote protocol known as SSH:
export VM_NAME=ubuntu-container-rootfs
export VM_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get vm $VM_NAME -o jsonpath='{.status.vmPodName}')
export VM_IP=$(kubectl get pod $VM_POD_NAME -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}')
kubectl run ssh-$VM_NAME --rm --image=alpine --restart=Never -it -- /bin/sh -c "apk add openssh-client && ssh ubuntu@$VM_IP"
If all goes well, you should be placed into an SSH environment, prompted for you to save the VM to your hosts, and a password prompt, and then a normal environment if you have ever logged in over SSH on any Linux machine, a prompt will appear like this:
You can use the command uname -a
to verify where you are.
When you are finished with your cluster, you can run the following command to cleanup (delete) your workload cluster:
kubectl delete cluster capi-quickstart
You can then delete your overall management cluster using your preferred kubectl cluster tool.
If you want to shutdown the machine, you can stop it by using this command kubectl patch vm ubuntu-container-rootfs --subresource=status --type=merge -p '{"status":{"powerAction":"PowerOff"}}'
Or if you decide that the VM is no longer needed for service, you can delete it by simply deleting the pod with kubectl delete pod ubuntu-container-rootfs
Virtink extends Kubernetes' capabilities to seamlessly incorporate virtual machines, empowering organizations with the flexibility to run diverse workloads on a unified platform. By leveraging Kubernetes' orchestration and management features, Virtink simplifies the deployment and operation of hybrid container-VM environments. As the demand for integrating containers and virtual machines continues to rise, Virtink emerges as a valuable add-on, bridging the gap between these two technologies and enabling a more versatile and efficient infrastructure for modern applications.
We can see from the demo that our use of Virtink combined with Cluster API allows for seamless management and provisioning of virtual machines within Kubernetes clusters. We can leverage the benefits of Cluster API which allows us to quickly and easily spin up a Virtink workload cluster, and then use Virtink to install virtual machines in this cluster.
Do you need help running Virtual Machines? Or do you want to know more about how Virtink could benefit your Platform? Get in touch and let's work together.
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